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Customer Complaints Procedure



Fuxiona Energy (UK) Ltd is committed to providing the best possible service and aim to provide high-quality services which meet your needs.

Customer satisfaction is at the forefront of our work.

Although we do our very best to ensure we meet those high standards, we recognise that sometimes customers will feel they have cause to complain about the service they have received.

We encourage all feedback from customers, whether good or bad; this helps us improve our processes and services to ensure we always provide the very best solutions for our customers. This is why we’ve developed our Complaints Policy and associated Complaints Procedure.

Our Complaints Policy explains our broad approach to handling all complaints, whereas our Complaints Procedure provides clear information on how individual complaints will be handled.


Fuxiona Energy aims to resolve complaints quickly, fairly, and effectively.
We will:

  • Aim to put things right quickly for our customers when they go wrong
  • Keep our customers informed of the progress of their complaint and the results of any investigation
  • Seek to learn from each complaint to improve future performance
  • Set performance targets for responding to complaints and monitor our performance against these targets
  • Advise our customers of their right to complain to the Energy Ombudsman should they remain dissatisfied after their complaint has been through all stages of the internal Complaints Procedure.


The Fuxiona Energy Complaints Policy and associated Procedures will be readily available to customers. Together, they detail how to make a complaint and the timescales for a response from Fuxiona Energy.

What is a complaint?

A complaint is when a customer tells us that they are not happy with something that we have done or not done, and we have not put things right.

Who is a customer?

A customer is anyone who engages with Fuxiona Energy to request a service, or is in receipt of a service.

How can a complaint be made?

Any customer wishing to make a complaint can do so, by phone, e-mail, website, or post.

What is the process for making a complaint?

The process for making a complaint is detailed in the Complaints Procedure. This is a single document for use by Fuxiona Energy colleagues and customers.


Fuxiona Energy is committed to continuous improvement in service delivery.

Our Service Standards for Complaints are:

  • We will make it easy and straightforward for you to make a complaint
  • We will endeavour to respond to your complaint within the published timescales and keep you informed
  • We will ensure you have a full explanation to your complaint in your preferred format
  • We will tell you if changes have been made to services following your complaint

As part of this commitment a quarterly monitoring report will be prepared for the Management team. We will also ask for your feedback on how we handled your complaint and use this information to improve our services.

We will review our Complaints Policy at regular intervals.


The Senior Management Team and all those in managerial or supervisory roles are responsible for developing and encouraging good customer care handling practice within their teams.

Compliance with Customer Complaints Policy is the responsibility of all members of the Company who deal with customers.


Our Customer Complaints Policy is available via our Website at

Alternatively, it is available in PDF format. Should you wish to access this document in another format, you can contact our team via telephone or email.

Equality & Diversity

Customers have a right to express dissatisfaction with the services they receive from Fuxiona Energy. Customers using this policy can expect to be treated fairly and without discrimination.

The Company has an Equality & Diversity Policy that covers all equality aspects.
The Company will ensure that this policy is accessible to all customers and service users.


This Procedure is for complaints against Fuxiona Energy only and should not be used for complaints against your Energy Supplier or Network Operator.

Complaints against your Energy Supplier or Network Operator
If your complaint is against your Energy Supplier or Network Operator, you must contact them directly and log a formal complaint via their published procedures.

If you have not received a satisfactory resolution after eight weeks (six weeks for energy complaints against SSE) or have received a Deadlock Letter, you can escalate the complaint to the Energy Ombudsman. For information on their processes, visit

Complaints against Fuxiona Energy
If you are unhappy with the service provided by Fuxiona Energy – whether this is concerning the contracting/procurement process, information or support you are receiving or about the staff or organisation itself – we promise to take your complaint seriously and confidentially. We aim to resolve your complaint as speedily as possible.

Compliments and complaints allow us to improve the service we provide, both for you and other customers. We are also interested in your ideas for improving our service. We use the information you give only to improve things. Passing on personal information about you is protected by the Data Protection Act & GDPR.

We will deal with all complaints quickly, courteously, and fairly. Fuxiona Energy always aims to provide the highest standards of service and account management but at times mistakes can happen. If after receiving your complaint it becomes clear that a mistake has been made, you can expect any one or a combination of the following:

  • An apology
  • A full explanation
  • Details of any appropriate remedial actions taken
  • An award of compensation in appropriate circumstances

If you wish to complain, here is what you can do:

It helps if you complain straight away to the people involved, as they may be able to put things right immediately. You should make your complaint within five working days of the event or problem occurring.

At any stage, you can register a formal complaint by phone, email, website, or post, giving as much information as possible, including times, dates, places and names.

You can raise a complaint with Fuxiona Energy via the following methods:

  • Tel: 07446 921272
  • Email:
  • Post: 2 West View, Mangotsfield, Bristol, BS16 9DU

Our complaints Handling Procedure

  1. You will receive a first response within five working days of receipt of your complaint and a further response within four weeks.
  2. We will keep you regularly informed of our process and the measures being taken to resolve your complaint. If, for whatever reason, we are unable to resolve the complaint within four weeks from the date we received your complaint, we will issue a letter to you (a deadlock letter) explaining why this was not possible and indicate when we will make further contact. You are welcome to contact us at any time to check the status of our investigation.
  3. If you are not satisfied with our initial response, you can escalate the complaint to the Operations Manager, who will undertake a full review of your complaint and look at how it has been handled thus far. It’s essential that you advise us of any additional information you believe may be relevant at this time. The Operations Manager will review your complaint once more and provide you with our final response. This will be issued within 4 weeks of the date we received your escalation request.
  4. If, after eight weeks, your complaint remains unresolved or you are not satisfied with our final response after escalation to the Operations Manager, we will write to you explaining why we’ve been unable to conclude your complaint and the options available to you.


Micro Business Customers

If you are a Micro Businesses Customer and your complaint remains unresolved, or you have received a Deadlock Letter from us, you also have the right to raise a dispute with the Energy Ombudsman.

As of 1st December 2022, the Energy Ombudsman became the designated Alternate Dispute Resolution (ADR) provider for Micro Business Customers. The Energy Ombudsman provides an independent and impartial Alternative Dispute Resolution service that is free for Micro Business Customers to use. The Energy Ombudsman is approved by Ofgem, the UK gas and electricity regulator.

A Micro Business Customer (“Micro business consumer”) is a ‘relevant consumer’ as defined in the Gas and Electricity Regulated Providers (Redress Scheme) Order 2008 and as further defined, from time to time, by the Gas and Electricity Markets Authority or Ofgem. As of 31 March 2014 a ‘micro business’ is defined as one with;
(i) An annual consumption of electricity of not more than 100,000 kWh; or
(ii) An annual consumption of gas of not more than 293,000 kWh; or
(iii) Fewer than the equivalent of ten full time employees and an annual turnover or annual balance sheet not exceeding
€2 million.

Where the micro business receives gas and electricity supplied by the same Energy Supplier, the annual consumption of gas and electricity shall be treated separately for the purposes of determining its capacity to make a complaint to Energy Ombudsman.

Please note:

  • To raise a dispute with the Energy Ombudsman, you must classify as a Micro Business under the above noted definitions.
  • If you choose to escalate your complaint to the Energy Ombudsman, any offer of goodwill already issued will be withdrawn. This enables them to consider your case from a neutral position and avoids confusion. They may decide on a different award which may be more or less than our original offer, or they may ask us to reinstate our offer.
  • To raise a dispute, you have a time limit of twelve months from the date of the deadlock letter to approach the Energy Ombudsman.

You can contact the Energy Ombudsman via the following methods:

  • Website:
  • Post: Energy Ombudsman, P.O. Box 966,
    Warrington, WA4 9DF
  • Phone: 0330 440 1624
  • Email:
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